MK ultra proyect

In my shallow investigation, I can find information about MK project. It was a project created by the CIA organization and his main objective was manipulating and take mind control of war prisoners and spies; such as developing methods and mechanisms to get information in an easier way, with no obstacles and always with relevant facts.

This project was created by scientific, who was hired secretly, to figure out if there were chemicals which can help to get real results. In 1950 this project came out to investigate several ways to get information of their enemies and into their research get mind control without suspicions. Although, there's a law in the U.S. which says that any sort of investigation made by the CIA must be published twenty years after their projects have been concluded, they reserve the right to delete files for their convenience. 

Likely, that kind of information could have been hidden, if the project might have been successful also, they could have discovered some sort of mental illness never investigated before.

Finally, I know that they must have been watched terrible stuffs based on his torture methods and experiments. 

So, now it's your turn, do you think that mind control is a possibility? What kind of chemicals could have been used on their experiments? In the future, will have gotten other ways to find mind control? 



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